Emu Oil has many properties that make it a very
effective treatment to help get rid of pimples and acne.
Firstly, Emu Oil is Anti-bacterial, this means
it will help to kill the infection in the skin and stop pimples from spreading.
Secondly, Emu Oil is a natural Anti-inflammatory,
it helps to bring down swelling and inflammation of the skin to heal things
like acne, eczema, rosacea, skin rash etc.
Thirdly, Emu oil is almost 100% triglyceride
lipid. Triglycerides (a type of fatty compound) are abundant in human skin lipids,
so this means that the composition of fatty acids in human skin is very similar
to that of emu oil. This makes it easy for our skin to absorb the emu oil, and
because its similar to our skin it will help to repair scars and blemishes
caused by pimples.
Fourthly, Emu Oil does not clog pores and is
safe for sensitive skin, so when you apply our Emu Oil Moisturiser it will penetrate
deeply to heal the skin very effectively while fighting the build up of acne.
PimplesPimples. Everyone hates them. Yet most people get them at some stage in thier life, some much worse than
others. Pimples effect approximately 90% of all
adolescents, and 50% of adult women, this makes acne one
of the most common medical conditions in the world. I
would like to share my story of pimples with you, but
first here is some information about what causes pimples,
and how to manage pimples.
What are Pimples?Pimples are actually an infection in
the skin. Pimples occur when hair follicles and skin
pores are clogged, either by dead skin cells or excess
oil build up in the pore. Hair follicles produce an oil
called sebum. If this oil builds up in the clogged pore
it becomes infected, and the hair follicle becomes
inflamed. If the follicle bursts, the infected matter
inside the pores spreads across the skin, infecting the
surrounding area and creating new pimples.
What Causes Pimples?There are many theories and ideas about what causes pimples. Many labratory tests have
been done and studies taken out to try and find the
factors that cause pimples. Pimples can occur from many
things eg. poor diet, hormones, stress, medications etc.
However, the most common cause of pimples is the wrong
use of Skin Care products. Good Skin Care is vital for
healthy skin and eliminating pimples. Because pimples
are caused by clogged pores and oil build up, the most
common reason for people having oil and dirt build up is
because they are not using the right skin care, or they
are not using thier skin care properly. Oftern contact
with an oily substance such as mineral oil, vegetable
oil, or petroleum can be a cause of pimples. So, what is
the best way to get rid of
How To Get Rid Of Pimples?How to get rid of Pimples - What is
the best pimple treatment? The best pimple treatment
varies from person to person. Firstly, do not ever pop a
pimple, this will spread the infection and cause
scaring. Make sure you drink plenty of water, to help
flush toxins out of your body. Most importantly though,
you should reasses what skin care you are using. Because
skin care is applied to your face usually everyday, you
should make sure it is right for your skin, otherwise you
could slapping stuff on you face that is clogging up
your pores and leaving a layer of excess oil on your
face daily. Many skin care products and creams contain
ingredients that actually irritate your skin. Most
commercially used products contain sulphates and Petro
Chemicals that you probably can not even pronounce the
names of, go have a look at the
Whats the best Skin Care for Pimple
Treatment?The best pimple treatment to
use to help you get rid of pimples are quality products
with ingredients that will not irritate your skin, such as emu oil. Because
a dirty or oily face is a breeding ground for bacteria
and pimples, the idea is to do a cleansing routine
daily, so pimples do not get the chance to grow. We
provide a range of natural products with emu oil and essential oils to fight pimples and
infection. Emu Oil is non-comedogenic, which means it does not clog pores, so your skin can still breath when you apply it, and Emu Oil is naturally anti-bacterial, it will fight bacteria that causes pimples and acne. It is also hypo-allergenic (non-irritating) so its great for all skin types, including people with sensitive skin. break up the oil build up on
your skin, so pimples will not get a chance to form.
How To get rid of Pimples - Using natural Skin
Care for Pimple Treatment?The most important thing with using
quality skin care, is to do it twice a day. This will
ensure that you skin is always clean so bacteria can not
build up. Here is the best method to get rid of pimples
- Every
Morning - after cleansing and toning, use the Emu Oil Moisturiser which bests suits you.
This will clear your skin for the day and
provide a protective barrier from pollutants entering
your pores, while the emu oil will help to kill the bacteria which causes pimples. Repeat every night.
Every 2nd - 3rd day, dab a small amount of Pure emu oil directly onto the pimple, this will help to fight the bacteria and bring down the swelling, and prevent scaring. This process will help to eliminate pimples and prevent them from coming back, and leave your skin clear and

Natural Skin Care for Acne