Skin Care Tips to Remember!
Here are some Skin Care Tips to help take
better care of your skin -
* Our skin is the largest organ of the body
* Always
use natural products on your skin
* If you
have to use your finger to scoop the product out, make
sure your hands are clean to avoid getting bacteria in
the product
* It is easy
to use to much product, always use the correct amount to
avoid drowning your face, it is unnessecary
* Avoid
being in the sun for too long, exposure to the sun is
probably the most significant contributor to the ageing
* Use your
products while they are fresh, most products should last
1 - 1 1/2 years
* Use a
product that is right for your skin type, some products
are made for all skin types but should say so
* Rinse
your face thouroughly after using products eg. cleanser,
* Avoid
soap on the face
* Always
pat your face dry with a clean towel
* Never
wear make up to bed
* Use
gentle upward strokes so as not to work against the
grain of facial skin and muscles
* Use a
scrub or a mask once a week to rid dead skin cells
* Avoid
using hot water on your face (including hot showers) it
breaks the capilaries in your skin
* Up to 60%
of products that we apply to the skin are absorbed into
our body - hence if you would not eat it...do not rub it
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More Skin Care
TipsHere are some more Skin Care Tips on;
to get rid of pimples How
to get rid of Dandruff Facial
skin Care