Aloe Vera is often called the
miracle plant or the natural healer, its a plant of
many surprises. It flourishes in warm and dry climates,
it is often mistaken for as a cactus, in fact it is a
member of the Lily family, thus is related to garlic,
onion and asparagus. There are over 200 types of Aloe
Vera, of these only 4 or 5 are commonly used. The most
widely used variety is Aloe Vera Barbadensis. It has
amazing resistance to high temperatures, staying moist
where other plants wither and die by closing its pores
to prevent moisture loss. The Aloe Vera plant has been
of most use to mankind because of its medicinal and
healing properties. Ancient records show that the
benefits of Aloe Vera have been known for centuries,
with its therapeutic advantages and healing properties
surviving for over 4000 years. The earliest record of
Aloe Vera is on a Sumerian tablet dating from 2100
 Benefits of Aloe VeraResearchers have found that the
ancient Chinese, Indians, Greeks and Romans all used
Aloe Vera for its healing benefits. Egyptian Queens
associated its use with their hysical beauty, while in
the Philippines, it was used with milk for kidney
infections. Aloes are referred to in the Bible, and
legend suggests that Alexander the Great onquered the
island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean to secure supplies
of Aloes to treat the battle wounds of his soldiers.
Aloe Vera
contains:The 8 essential Amino Acids that
the human body needs but cannot produce. There are 20
"critical" Amino Acids in human metabolism, but the body
can only make 12, the other 8 have to be obtained from
Aloe Vera is Known For Its unique healing and Immuno-Stimulating
Properties, They Are;
Salicylic Acid - a substance similar to aspirin that can help
reduce fever and inflammation. Saponins - natural soapy substances with
cleansing and antiseptic properties. Sterols - natural plant steroids with
analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic
properties. Vitamins -
these include A (beta-carotene and retinol), B1, B2, B3,
B6, B12, C, vitamin E and Folic Acid.
It also has one of the few plant
sources in the world of vitamin B12.
Aloe vera has been used to assist in
these ailments - cuts, bruises, insect stings, acne,
skin ulcers, welts, poisin ivy, Irritable Bowel
Syndrome, Eczema, Psoriarsis, dermatitis, sunburn, and
adverse side effects have been reported in over 20 years
of usage.
Aloe Vera in Skin
Care |