Patchouli PlantThe patchouli plant is a fragrant
herb, native to tropical Asia and is cultivated in
India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and
Singapore. It grows from 2 to 3 feet in height, and
bears egg-shaped leaves, along with whitish flowers,
tinged with purple. Harvested two or three times a year,
the leaves are then dried in peperation of distillation.
Patchouli has been used for centuries in perfumes and
cosmetics for being a good skin tonic and to aid
emotionally balancing.

Benefits of
PatchouliPatchouli has many natural benefits when used as
a essential oil. It is effective for dry chapped skin,
weeping eczema, acne, allergies, oily hair and skin,
dandruff, dermatitis,
wrinkles and reputedly cellulite. It is also
bactericidal and fungicidal (use for athlete�s foot),
skin ulcers, wounds, and repels insects.
The deep smoky
aroma has many emotional benefits to aid wellbeing -
it is good for anxiety, confusion, depression, fear,
frigidity, indecision, lethargy, mood swings, shynessis,
and is also known as an aphrodisiac (through its
stimulating effect on the endocrine system). It is
uplifting, known for soothing feelings of loneliness and
Patchouli Essential
Patchouli is
great to use in Essential Oils. Please view our
Patchouli Essential oil products -
- Essential Oil of Lavender, patchouli, mandarine, and
- Essential Oil of ylang ylang, patchouli, lavender, and
Free - Essential Oil of bergamot, patchouli, sweet
orange, ylang ylang and
