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Thyme Essential Oil |
Thyme PlantThe Thyme plant originated in
France. It is related to the mint family, growing about
eighteen inches tall, and producing small flowers that
are very attractive to honey bees. The plant has small
green-grey, oval shaped leaves and pale purple or white
flowers, which produce a warm, sweet scent. The oil
extracted from the plant, (Thymus vulgaris) is said to
be one of the most useful antiseptic essential oils. It
contains thymol, which has been studied for its effect
on gingivitis and plaque-causing organisms in the mouth.
It is also beneficial in helping to overcome fatigue and

History of ThymeHere is some
interesting historical facts on Thyme
* The ancient Greeks burned it as incense inside
temples. Both the Greeks and the Romans used thyme to
flavor cheese and liquor.
* The Egyptians used it in the
embalming process.
* Thyme was also a symbol of courage,
and in the Middle Ages, knights wore scarves embroidered
with a sprig of thyme.
* In some cultures, a soup of beer and
thyme was consumed to help overcome shyness.
* Roman
soldiers bathed in water infused with thyme to gain
vigour, courage and strength, to prepare them for
* In
the Middle Ages, ladies embroidered a sprig of Thyme on
the scarves of knights for bravery.
Thyme was grown in monastery
gardens in southern France, Spain and Italy during the
Middle Ages for use as a cough remedy, digestive aid and
treatment for intestinal parasites.
The Scots used to make a tea
of wild thyme, and believed that drinking it would boost
courage and strength, plus prevent
Benefits of ThymeThyme was one of the earliest
medicinal herbs of the Mediterranean region. It was
known as a antiseptic and infection fighter, used to aid
digestion, and to help keep a healthy digestive system.
Thyme is used for asthma and hypertension. Thymol is a
strong antiseptic, which is useful for bacterial and
fungal infections. It has also been known to have
anti-aging properties. It�s been used to aid sickness
such as � bronchitis, laryngitis, and whooping cough,
and also for diarrhoea, chronic gastritis, and lack of
appetite. Thyme is very energising, and is effective in
relaxing sore muscles
Thyme Essential
oilWe provide
a natural range of pure essential oils. Please view the
Free a luxurious blend of Thyme, Bergamot,
Patchouli, Sweet Orange, and Ylang