Eczema - What is Eczema?
Eczema Dictionary meaning
: A noncontagious inflammation of the skin, characterized mainly by redness,
dryness, itching, and the outbreak of lesions that may discharge and become
encrusted and scaly.
Emu Oil is a safe and effective
Treatment for Eczema -

Causes of Eczema?
Eczema is generally caused by allergies
such as allergic asthma, hay fever, food allergies or chemical sensitivities.
Atopic Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
Atopic eczema occurs in people who
have an inherited predisposition to allergies such as asthma, hay fever or food
allergies. In older children, teenagers and adults, it affects mainly the skin
of the hands and feet and in the folds of the elbows and knees. Babies from
two to 18 months may have eczema symptoms on the face, neck and groin. Children
may out grow the condition by the age of two years.
Nummular Eczema (discoid)
Nummular eczema, a type of eczema
that occurs mainly in middle age, may be related to atopic dermatitis and to
contact dermatitis. A dry environment, very hot showers, stress and other skin
disorders may cause nummular eczema.
Asteatotic eczema
Asteatotic eczema, occurring mainly in the
elderly, is caused by dry skin and dry conditions, for example when they spend
more time in an indoors environment with low humidity during winter. It usually
leads to fine cracks in the skin, starting on the legs.
Hand Eczema
Hand eczema, a chronic eczema occurring
only on the hands, is related to atopic eczema in allergic people, but can also
be caused by repeated hand washing or exposure to strong detergents. It may
also be caused by an allergy to latex rubber.
Symptoms of Eczema?
Eczema symptoms can appear different
from person to person. Eczema symtoms include itching, raised skin, and tiny
bumps or blisters that may ooze fluid. If untreated, the skin may become thick,
scaly and dry, with areas of hair loss and pigment changes in dark skinned people.
Scratching increases the risk of infection from bacteria. Hand eczema caused
by irritants has symptoms of dry, cracked skin, with or without redness. Other
forms of eczema may be itchy red bumps and blisters.

Diagnosis and
Eczema Treatment
The best way to be diagnosed as
having eczema is by seeing a doctor as they can tell you the specific type and
the treatments to follow. Once you know what type it is there are many ways
to treat it, a great natural treatment for eczema is emu
Emu Oil Eczema Treatment
Emu Oil is a very effective skin
rash and eczema treatment. It has been used by the Aboriginals of Australia
for thousands of years as a treatment for many skin conditions and infections.
Emu Oil
is naturally deep penetrating, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial which means
it can penetrate the eczema to reduce the swelling and itching, and allow the
skin to heal. Because of its natural anti-bacterial effects it will also kill
any infection that could be forming or effecting it. One of the best ways to
treat eczema is to get to it quickly before it spreads. Emu Oil allows you to
naturally do this, amking it a very effective Eczema treatment. To view our
emu oil
click here.